Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The school year is off and racing.  As we enter the second week schedules are finalized and hopefully your child has settled in and adjusted to the new school year.  Some helpful items I encourage all parents to do, is spend some time with your child and look over the behavior expectations and policies in the student handbook.  Nothing significant changed, and all was reviewed last week.  Also, weekly try to glance at the calendar that is posted on the district website.  Powerschool is another resource to help keep you informed on the many school activities that your child will be attending and participating in.

The fall sports season begins this Friday, September 30th at Wheatland High School.  The volleyball team will open their season in a triangular with Hoxie and Oberlin.  Our student body has spent time learning the school song.  I encourage all parents and fans to be a part of boosting our Thunderhawk pride and singing along!  The words to the song can be found on the back of the program.